Spotify Wrapped day is my favorite holiday of the year. I love seeing all the stats on my listening activity and watching the video notes from my top artists. But, for the most part, my listening activity is a bit predictable, and I tend to stick to a certain genre and listen to the same artists over and over again.

Spotify's recommendation algorithms are very good at knowing what I like to listen to — but I find there are more features that reinforce what I already listen to and less features introducing me to new music. So, I decided to build out Spotify Unwrapped, which helps users understand their recent listening activity and be able to more easily discover new music before the year ends.

spotify unwrapped


Search Page

The Search page houses a 'browse all' section, which users can use to discover new stuff outside of their norm ⏤ but it is a pretty manual process. I wanted to find a way to create something similar to the search page, but have it be more guided and interactive.

Discover Weekly Playlist

This is a Spotify playlist made for users to introduce them to new music they might like, and I think it's a great way for users to naturally change the course of their listening activity. It would be great if users could have an interface to see how their listening activity is changing as a result from their efforts, and get to know the genres and artists they're getting into.

Daylist Playlist

Spotify's Daylist is made for users 3 times a day, and I find it's the easiest way for me to listen to music without having to think about it. But, if I listen to it too much, I get thrown in a pit of only getting recommended "sad mountain morning" music. I wanted to find a way for users to intercept the algorithm before these pits happen, and allow them to see what their listening activity looks like and how they could change it.

Home Page

The home page is a bit overwhelming, if you scroll down a bit there is some really great stuff Spotify recommends and features but I imagine users rarely scroll down it. So, I wanted to find a way to move some things off of home page and put it in a place where they are more likely to be interacted with.

Spotify Wrapped

The release of Spotify Wrapped is a big day for Spotify users, and there is a lot of content in there that would be useful for users to have year round. However, I don’t want to take away from the excitement of Spotify Wrapped with anything I build. So, I don’t want to give anything away about total listening activity, year-to-date top artists, songs, etc., but rather focus on recent listening activity.


spotify unwrapped

Home tab

This tab now only has 2 uses: (1) content related to recently played and (2) Spotify featured content. By streamlining the content on the home tab, users are more likely to interact with featured content without feeling overwhelmed. The 'Unwrapped' welcome banner is put front and center after ‘recents’ with a personalized message, which welcomes users to explore the interface and get excited about understanding their music.

Unwrapped’ landing page

The colorful header tells users the vibe of their music, what genres they’ve been into, and recent top artists. This page houses all of the stuff that is made for them: videos from their favorite artists and genres, ‘Daylist’, ‘based on your recent listening’, ‘uniquely yours’, a top artist feature, and genre/artist mixes.

Discover new

This page is a place for users to look up new music or have random genres, playlists, or artists suggested to them by Spotify. Below the search header is all new music, starting with Spotify’s ‘new for you’ section, then a few curated sections for genre, artist, and playlist recommendations. The ‘discover more like this’ button that accompanies each of these sections take users to the related genre page, as if they clicked on it from within the ‘browse all’ section on the search tab.